Cancer is defined as the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells in the body. Though our body has a mechanism within itself of identifying and destroying the abnormal cells thereby preventing the development of cancer, sometimes these mechanisms fail, thereby resulting in the growth of the abnormal cells in any part of the body. Cancer has no boundaries; it can occur anywhere in the body and at any age.
Read MoreThe global cancer burden is estimated to have risen to 18.1 million new cases and 9.6 million deaths according to GLOBOCON 2018. One in 5 men and one in 6 women worldwide develop cancer during their lifetime, and one in 8 men and one in 11 women die from the disease. Worldwide, the total number of people who are alive within 5 years of a cancer diagnosis, called the 5-year prevalence, is estimated to be 43.8 million. Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women (24.2%, i.e. about one in 4 of all new cancer cases diagnosed in women worldwide are breast cancer), and the cancer is the most common in 154 of the 185 countries included in GLOBOCAN 2018. Breast cancer is also the leading cause of cancer death in women (15.0%), followed by lung cancer (13.8%) and colorectal cancer (9.5%), which are also the third and second most common types of cancer, respectively; cervical cancer ranks fourth for both incidence (6.6%) and mortality (7.5%).
Read MoreThe immune system is a powerful weapon against disease, infections and defective cells. Because cancer cells are the body’s mutated cells, they are not always recognized by the immune system as invaders. Also, cancer cells have multiple ways to evade, shut down or overpower an immune attack. Immunotherapy is the treatment that uses certain parts of a person’s immune system to fight cancer.
Read MoreOvarian cancer is a group of diseases that originates in the ovaries, or in the related areas of the fallopian tubes and the peritoneum. Women have two ovaries that are located in the pelvis, one on each side of the uterus. The ovaries make female hormones and produce eggs. Women have two fallopian tubes that are a pair of long, slender tubes on each side of the uterus. Eggs pass from the ovaries through the fallopian tubes to the uterus. The peritoneum is the tissue lining that covers organs in the abdomen.
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